Civic-Indigenous 7.0

Strategic Design + Foresight + Facilitation + Coordination
2019 > Today

How can we redesign our systems at the intersection of multiple worldviews in a way that hold multiple paradoxes and harness love-based power to live and lead in this increasingly complex time?

In what is currently called Canada, Indigenous and non-Indigenous people both currently live under self-terminating paradigms. Indigenous people are systemically marginalized under the Indian Act, and both Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples are increasingly robbed of good health and wellbeing and are dying under ecocide and increasingly unequal systems.

Les Interstices has been working with Dark Matter Labs, the McConnell Foundation, the Center for First Nations Governance, and various other Indigenous partners to to explore the intersection of Indigenous and civic futures, as well as ways to support directly the work of Indigenous Nations towards self-determination and self-governance through research, workshops and the crafting of alternative futures.

> Read more about Civic-Indigenous 7.0
> Read more about Micro-Treaties with the Earth


Les Matérialistes


Office of Rules and Norms